Webinars – Page 9

  • OneTrust 30.03 Post Brexit updated speaker

    A Post-Brexit Perspective: Managing Personal Data Breaches


    Brexit will have a profound effect on how UK businesses address their privacy programs. Faced with new challenges for maintaining data transfers across Europe, organizations need a proactive plan in place to manage personal data breaches. Because of this, organizations are asking questions like when can you rely on the one-stop shop mechanism?

  • Exterro 18.03 CPRA

    Data Retention and Records Management Under the CPRA


    While the CCPA doesn’t explicitly address data retention and data minimization practices, California voters chose to expand their rights by passing the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) in November of 2020, which fills in those data retention and minimization gaps.

  • Privitar Improving outcomes with informatics ON DEMAND

    Improving Outcomes with Informatics Powered by Safe Data

    Health organizations are working hard to safely leverage patient data across the care continuum to improve outcomes.

  • Thales 16.03 Agile Crypto

    Agile Crypto and the Quantum Threat

    As the reality of quantum computing approaches, companies and other organizations need to stay one step ahead of the potential computational power that could render today’s encryption algorithms obsolete.

  • Webinar Graphics - July 20 onwards (19)

    How to leverage APEC Accountability Agents for your organization’s global privacy and governance


    With data volumes growing across borders and industries, everyone benefits from being able to demonstrate compliance with internationally recognized privacy and security measures.

  • OneTrust 26.02  Top Privacy Priorities updated

    Top Privacy Priorities for 2021


    2020 was a whirlwind for privacy — with a pandemic, the invalidation of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield brought about by the “Schrems II” ruling, and the state of California continues to push privacy regulation to the forefront in the U.S., the importance of data protection continues to grow globally 2021 continues.

  • Managing Complex DSARs in the Enterprise

    Managing Complex DSARs in the Enterprise

    The number and complexity of Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) received from both customers and employees has increased over the past couple of years, and some fear Covid-related redundancies will further drive up the numbers.

  • Privitar 23.02 Becoming a data driven bank

    Becoming a Data-Driven Bank with Privacy at the Core

    Leveraging sensitive data to deliver insights and product innovation is more important to running a profitable bank than ever before. This increased demand for sensitive data is creating a strain on existing processes as regulations continue to restrict how and for what personal data can be used.

  • 6 Growing Data Risks Legal Departments Must Protect Against in 2021

    6 Growing Data Risks Legal Departments Must Protect Against in 2021


    It’s fair to say that 2020 was a year of disruption. While some of these shifts were fairly predictable (like the launch of the U.S.’s most far-reaching data privacy law to date), more seismic and unforeseen disruptions (a global pandemic and the ensuing rush to work from home) forced abrupt changes in our day-to-day habits and exposed risks in how the General Counsel handles organizational data.

  • A Day In the Life of Incident and Data Breach_How to Ensure Global Compliance

    A Day In the Life of Incident and Data Breach


    Organizations across the globe have experienced incident and data breaches for the past 10 years. What has changed significantly during this time is the regulatory scrutiny, the public nature of breaches and the emerging private right of action supported by very strong privacy advocacy groups.

  • MostlyAI on-demand

    Can AI solve the Schrems II puzzle?


    What are your options for cross border data-sharing for 2021? Alexandra Ebert, Chief Trust Officer of MOSTLY AI, a synthetic data solution startup, offers a way out of the dilemma with privacy-compliant, accurate synthetic data. 

  • Career Development for Privacy Professionals

    Career Development for Privacy Professionals


    As privacy and data protection roles are becoming more diverse, so is the required skillset from candidates. You’re no longer (necessarily) a DPO with a legal background whose main focus is risk identification in light of regulatory requirements. 

  • New data Protection Risks of The Schrems 11 Ruling

    New Data Protection Risks of the Schrems II Ruling


    Since the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruling which invalidated the EU-US Privacy Shield scheme, organisations have faced the dilemma of trying to understand how to transfer data outside the European Economic Area in a defensible manner and without facing regulatory sanctions.

  • How to become an information governance leader

    How to become an information governance leader


    This conversation will explore governance options that enhance your data protection strategy and help meet privacy and other regulatory requirements to reduce risk.

  • Managing Data Retention Strategies Under CPRA

    Managing Data Retention Strategies Under CPRA


    Addressing data retention is the surest way to mitigate risks and costs of a data breach. With CPRA now requiring organizations to provide up-to-date and enforced retention schedules, it’s more important than ever that your organization maintains compliant practices to minimize damages. Understand if your organization is at risk and take action now

  • Practical Steps for Building and Maintaining a De-Risked, Compliant Data Inventory

    Practical Steps for Building a De-Risked Compliant Data Inventory


    Today, every company’s data is a valuable asset, which has led to a tendency to keep data “just in case we need it later.” Companies are now collecting, storing, and managing vast amounts of data without understanding where it all lives. This major blind spot creates significant privacy and security risks.

  • Acting on Brexit and Schrems II

    Acting on Brexit and Schrems II


    There are 2 things on the minds of European privacy pros that have nothing to do with the pandemic: Brexit and Schrems II. 

  • Privacy in the Boardroom

    Privacy in the Boardroom: The Metrics, KPIs and Reporting You Need


    Stakeholder support for a privacy program is key, especially as compliance programs grow and organizations focus their attention on an increasing number of regulations and frameworks from around the world.

  • Data Retention & Minimisation 2020

    Data Retention & Minimisation: Lessons Learned in 2020


    Data retention and minimisation played a key role in numerous cases and enforcement actions throughout 2020. Worryingly, the range of infractions varied widely, teaching us that it is certainly an area that is very challenging for organisations to address.

  • How to Successfully Manage Ungoverned Data for Risk Mitigation

    How to Successfully Manage Ungoverned Data for Risk Mitigation


    Enterprises are collecting and managing more data than ever to create value, making every company a “data” company. But for data to provide value, organizations need to know where it is, who has access to it, how it’s managed, and how it needs to be secured and protected.