Chief Compliance Officer

Mai Shiver

Mai Shiver is an industry leader in the field of regulatory compliance and has served as the Investments Global Chief Compliance Officer for the asset management businesses of two Fortune 50 companies. She has also worked as regulatory counsel for an SRO and as an appellate litigator in private practice, primarily advocating for clients in highly regulated, strictly scrutinized businesses subject to novel areas of law. Mai has built unique compliance/governance platforms enabling organizations to navigate through complex, changing and uncertain regulatory landscapes. She is recognized for developing collaborative cultures, exercising reasoned judgment and implementing logical, efficient processes that transcend business units and geographic borders.

Current Role

  • Company Name: TIAA
  • Job Title: Chief Compliance Officer
  • Start Date: May 2022
  • Company Industry: Financial Services
  • Location: New York City Metropolitan Area



Previous Company:

  • Company Name:  AIG
  • Job Title:  Chief Compliance Officer, Global Investments
  • Start Date