Global Risk and Compliance Manager, Emerald Technology

Zakaria Hagig leads the Risk and Compliance programme at Emerald Technology, a UK-based global employment solutions provider facilitating international business expansion. Before joining Emerald Technology, Zakaria spent five years building the ERM, third-party risk, compliance and insurance programme for a leading global employment solutions company between the US and in the Netherlands. He also led GRC committee to discuss, identify, track, evaluate, and mitigate global enterprise risks. Zakaria has earned an Associate in Risk Management (ARM) designation from The Institutes, a prestigious global risk management organization and has a degree in Finance and Risk Management from the University of Colorado Denver. 

Zakaria Hagig

My Sessions

Do You Know-Your-Customer (KYC)? A Formula for Balancing Compliance and Customer Experience in a Hybrid World

Day 2, Thursday 28th September 2023, 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM BST
Financial & Compliance Theatre


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