The Rest is Politics star & former Communications Chief to Tony Blair

Alastair Campbell is renowned for his political, literary, and communication expertise. He was British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Spokesman and director of communications, but he has also written seventeen books, including best-sellers like “Winners and How They Succeed” and “Living Better: How I learned to survive depression.”

Campbell’s impactful advocacy centres on mental health awareness, drawing from his own struggles with depression and addiction. He supports numerous mental health charities and co-founded initiatives like the Equality4MentalHealth campaign, securing substantial funding. He also contributes to academia and maintains diverse interests.

His multifaceted career and dedication to mental health make Campbell an inspirational figure, emphasising the importance of prioritising mental well-being, particularly for high achievers.

Beyond his remarkable personal and professional pursuits, Campbell now turns his attention to pressing global concerns at #RISK London. In his keynote talk, Campbell delves into the intricate web of geopolitical risks, the ever-growing cost of living crisis, the resurgence of populism, and the path forward in an increasingly complex world. With his wealth of experience and insights, Campbell offers invaluable perspectives on navigating these critical challenges.

Don’t miss Alastair’s keynote ”Mental Health for high performers” at #RISK London. Alastair will also speak onGeopolitical Risks, Cost of Living Crisis, Populism, and the Path Forward” on the same day.


Alastair Campbell

My Sessions

Geopolitical Risks, Cost of Living Crisis, Populism, and the Path Forward
Day 1, Wednesday 18th October 2023, 12:15 PM - 12:45 PM BST
GRC Theatre

Keynote - Mental Health for high performers
Day 1, Wednesday 18th October 2023, 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM BST
ESG Theatre


RISK London Speakers