Five years on from the coming into effect of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), it’s time to take stock: Has the GDPR truly improved data protection? How have organisations implemented the law’s requirements? And what questions remain unanswered after nearly half a decade of GDPR?

privsec focus GDPR five years on

PrivSec Focus: GDPR Five Years On will celebrate and critique the EU’s best-known regulation, bringing industry leaders and subject matter experts together to explore what we’ve learned about data protection since May 2018.

We’ll explore the most significant enforcement action, consider how the GDPR’s interpretation has changed—and even provide some constructive criticism around the areas of GDPR compliance causing the most frustration among privacy professionals.

This free-to-attend live-stream event will stimulate lively debate and provide actionable insights into improving your GDPR compliance program.

25th May 2023

A global livestream experience 

  • 8 Sessions
  • 25+ Speakers
  • 6 Hours of Content 


PrivSec GDPR Five years logo

Why attend?

Attending PrivSec Focus: GDPR Five Years On will bringing industry leaders and subject matter experts together to explore what we’ve learned about data protection since May 2018

 Benefits of attending: 
→ Take away actionable insights and best practices to deploy immediately
→ Gain instant access to a content-packed library to browse in your own time
→ Have your questions answered by leading experts from within your region
→ Discover fresh perspectives and understanding to give you competitive edge

And much more…