Non Financial Risk Compliance Officer, ING

Lusine is an ACCA, CPA qualified professional and has over 15 years of extensive experience in compliance, risk management and internal audit within banking and telecom industries.

Currently, she works in ING Group as a compliance officer within Culture & Conduct Compliance. Her focus area is conflict of interests covering all topics from outside to organizational interests. 

As part of her previous role, she successfully built a robust anti-bribery and corruption compliance programme in one of Armenian leading telecom companies under US DOJ monitorship. She then joined the global ERM team in Amsterdam headquarters of the same telecom company, Veon. 

Lusine is a strong adherent of emerging AI technologies, and a believer that with ethics and integrity at its core, humanity can harness the enormous benefits of it.


My Sessions

Workplace Wellbeing: Why It Matters and How to Do It

Day 1, Wednesday 27th September 2023, 11:00 AM - 12:00 BST


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