The USA and China are set to convene in Geneva today to iron out proposals on how artificial intelligence (AI) should be harnessed, with a particular focus on risk mitigation.

US officials have stressed that Washington’s policies are non-negotiable, as discussions aim to address challenges associated with rapidly evolving tech. The White House has been pushing to work with China on a number of fronts in order to optimise communication and understanding between the global powers.

In April, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi initiated discussions on AI in Beijing, culminating in an agreement to hold formal bilateral conversations on the matter. 

In parallel, the State Department has urged both China and Russia to align with US assertions, affirming that only human intervention, not AI, should dictate decisions regarding the use of nuclear weapons.

This is the first meeting of its kind. So, we expect to have a discussion of the full range of risks, but wouldn’t prejudge any specifics at this point,” a senior administration official said.

According to an official, China’s swift implementation of AI wizardry through society, armed forces, and national security has consistently jeopardized the safety of the US and its allies. The talks present a unique opportunity for Washington to directly convey its hopes and fears.

From the US side, individuals from the White House, Commerce Department, the State Department, and the National Security Council (NSC) will be involved in the discussions.

“To be very clear, talks with Beijing are not focused on promoting any form of technical collaboration or cooperating on frontier research in any matter. And our technology protection policies are not up for negotiation,” the official said.

As reported by Reuters, Joe Biden’s team will aim to impose safeguards on US-powered proprietary AI models, like those behind popular platforms such as ChatGPT, to protect the technology from nations like China and Russia.

Another US official speaking to journalists highlighted the competitive dynamic between Washington and Beijing in shaping AI regulations while also expressing hopes to find common ground on certain rules that could be universally adopted. 

“We certainly don’t see eye to eye … on many AI topics and applications, but we believe that communication on critical AI risks can make the world safer,” the official said.

Know the risks

As governments compete to take the initiative on building laws designed to control AI, business leaders are under pressure to stay on top of the global conversation and understand evolving policy so that organisations can adapt to the rapidly changing regulatory landscape.

The issues fall into focus this month at PrivSec Global, where experts will discuss the latest developments in the following exclusive sessions:

Regulatory Evolution: Navigating Shifting Priorities and Practices

Date: Wednesday 22 May, 2024

Time: 17:00 - 17:45 GMT

The regulatory landscape is in a state of constant evolution with regulators adapting their priorities and practices to address emerging risks, technological advancements and changing societal expectations.

This panel discussion will delve into the dynamics of regulatory evolution, exploring the factors driving shifts in regulatory agendas and the implications for businesses, industries and consumers. 

Journey through the Maze: Understanding the State of U.S. Privacy Law

Date: Thursday 23 May, 2024

Time: 18:00 - 18:45 GMT

The landscape of U.S. privacy law is undergoing significant evolution, shaped by a myriad of legislative proposals, regulatory actions and public debates.

This panel discussion will provide a comprehensive exploration of the current state of U.S. privacy law, shedding light on key developments, emerging trends and the implications for businesses, consumers and policymakers.

The sessions sits within a packed two-day agenda of insight and guidance at PrivSec Global, livestreaming through Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 May, 2024. 

Click here to book your place at PrivSec Global today

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As regulation gets stricter – and data and tech become more crucial – it’s increasingly clear that the skills required in each of these areas are not only connected, but inseparable.

Exclusively at PrivSec Global on 22 & 23 May 2024, industry leaders, academics and subject-matter experts unite to explore these skills and the central role they play in privacy, security and GRC.

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