Cyber AI: Supporting Privacy-First Security & Data Compliance

Supporting Privacy-First Security & Data Compliance

Data privacy is critical in increasingly digitized business environments, where the workforce is dispersed and dynamic, and relies on collaboration platforms, smart devices, and cloud computing.

Webinar Summary: On-Demand Session

 Data privacy is critical in increasingly digitized business environments, where the workforce is dispersed and dynamic, and relies on collaboration platforms, smart devices, and cloud computing.

Join David Masson as he explains how what a privacy and regulation first approach to security looks like, and how to ensure that companies have total visibility over their digital estate and can continuously monitor sensitive data.

There will also be special focus on how AI-powered cyber defense offers organizations an unchangeable audit log and event replay, defending against potentially devastating cyber-attacks and data breaches.

Supporting Privacy-First Security & Data Compliance

Supporting Privacy-First Security & Data Compliance

Discover how AI-powered cyber defense: 

  • Actively enforces an anonymized and complaint security practice, minimizing the accessibility of data and reducing the risk of breaches 
  • Supports compliance to regulations such as The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and the New York State Department of Financial Services Regulations 
  • Stopped internal data theft from the cloud in a UK retail company where the malicious actor was trying to monetize stolen databases