All GRC World Forums articles in 2019 – Page 4

  • Data Breach
    News suffers major data breach


    Email platform, has suffered a major data breach that has compromised around 2 billion records, reports reveal.

  • smartphone compliance conundrum

    BYOD and GDPR: Managing the compliance conundrum


    Today’s employees want the freedom to work from any location and any device at any time of day. These individuals are increasingly using their personal ‘smart’ mobile devices to conduct business.

  • surveillance

    The risks and rewards of making CCTV comply with the GDPR


    The UK is one of the most watched nations in the world. Our research suggests there are up to eight million CCTV cameras installed, while others suggesting that there is least one camera for every ten people. Together they collect many petabytes (a petabyte is equal to 1,000,000 gigabytes) of data every single hour, all of which is subject to the GDPR.

  • Glasses

    What does ERP have to do with GDPR?


    Getting company and customer data in order can seem like a daunting task, especially for those leaving it to the last minute. Up until last May, data protection laws haven’t changed much since the 90s, which is surprising given how much has changed with regard to our digital identities. From social media, to mailing lists, to the Internet of Things, many of us are leaving trails of our digital identity wherever we go.