All Customer Data articles

  • Lucinity 16.06 The future of AML

    The future of AML– How Customer Intelligence is the basis of truly risk-based AML


    Join Lucinity and Currencycloud as we cover innovative ways of understanding customer behavior through insights derived from KYC, transaction monitoring, screening and other data sources to create a holistic view of the customer.

  • LTIP on demand

    Leveraging Retail Customer Data


    Retailers from brick-and-mortar to e-commerce are increasingly aware of how crucial customer data is to staying competitive and meeting their financial goals. Shoppers across all channels are favoring those organizations that can offer a personalized, efficient shopping experience tailored to their interests. But in light of an increased number of data breaches being reported in recent years, these same customers are also experiencing heightened awareness of when and how their personal data is being used.