CEO & Data Protection Expert, Decalex Digital

Entrepreneur by design, full stack data protection expert, I am the founder of the first Romanian privacy compliance company focused exclusively on privacy and data protection.

Counting 8+ years of experience in data protection and privacy, recognized by clients, partners, and colleagues as an out of the box consultant, I do my best to deliver business oriented privacy & data protection programs into companies

From designing privacy programs for global companies to helping innovative startups navigate through the applicable data protection framework, I have done it all.

I strongly believe privacy literacy is essential for the future and my contribution is to help companies use data protection and privacy as a business enabler.

Cristiana deca

My Sessions

GDPR Reform, Online Safety, Light-Touch AI Regulation: Making Sense of the UK Legal Environment

Day 1, Wednesday 19th September 2023, 09:00 AM - 09:45 AM BST
Data Protection & Privacy Theatre


#risk digital