GDPR Reform, Online Safety, Light-Touch AI Regulation: Making Sense of the UK Legal Environment

GDPR Reform, Online Safety, Light-Touch AI Regulation- Making Sense of the UK Legal Environment

This session will help you make sense of the UK’s current legal landscape, with tech policy and data protection experts providing a comprehensive update of the various bills, frameworks and legal amendments likely to arise in the coming years.

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GDPR Reform, Online Safety, Light-Touch AI Regulation- Making Sense of the UK Legal Environment

The UK government’s direction on tech and data policy has left data protection professionals in a deeply uncertain and often confusing regulatory environment. It’s not just GDPR reform that could impact data protection—the Online Safety Bill, AI regulatory framework and Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) guidance could all impcat the day-to-day work of privacy professionals.

This session will help you make sense of the UK’s current legal landscape, with tech policy and data protection experts providing a comprehensive update of the various bills, frameworks and legal amendments likely to arise in the coming years.